Social media addiction refers to the excessive use of social media platforms to the point where the individual gets negatively affected. They might begin to experience a decline in their quality of life when it comes to work, career, family, etc.
Here are some scientifically-proven ways to handle social media addiction:

Create time limits
If you want to put social media addiction at bay, one of the best ways is to set time limits. You can begin by allotting a specific amount of time to social media use.
When you exceed your time limit for the day, you can quit social media and resume the next day. Doing this will allow you to spend more time doing productive work.
Spot your triggers
It is important to mention that there are some things that can trigger your social media addiction. For instance, it could be procrastination, boredom, etc. When you identify your triggers, it may become easier to prepare your mind ahead when they show up.
Hence, if you are about to procrastinate an activity, you can consider handling the task immediately so that you can avoid social media use.
Avoid comparison
You can also control or manage social media addiction if you stop comparing yourself with other people online.
Many people tend to think that the good-looking videos and photos translate to having a good life. This is why some of them sink into depression or anxiety because they keep tabs on other people online. If you ever get to compare, it should only be with the past version of yourself.
Take breaks from social media
If social media addiction is beginning to take its toll on you, consider taking a break from it. When you go on a social media break, you can leverage the opportunity to rebuild relationships, focus more on your career, etc.
Be accountable to someone
You can consider talking to someone about social media addiction and tell them about your struggles so that they can keep tabs on you. This can be a good opportunity to leverage on to get other aspects of your life in order.