Is there such thing as social media disorder?

Social media is growing exponentially with more and more people using its various platforms to communicate, share and connect with others. But too much of a good thing can have adverse effects, leading to social media disorder.

Social media disorder (SMD) is an increasing problem, especially for young people. It is characterized by an unbalanced relationship with one’s social media profiles. People who suffer from SMD are often addicted to staying up to date with social media news feeds, share everything, from their lives to what they had for dinner. They become overly-engaged online and are constantly checking their phones for updates and notifications.

The first sign of SMD is the compulsive need to use social networks, even when doing so is detrimental to one’s quality of life. For instance, the person may be totally exhausted from staying up till the early morning hours scrolling through Twitter and Facebook. Another sign is disconnecting from the present world, such as family, friends and activities, and instead relying on the virtual time to get satisfaction. This could lead to further social problems, as communication was one of the main reasons social media was invented in the first place.

SMD can also manifest in physical ways. People suffering from this type of disorder might experience headaches, stomachaches, sleep disturbances and low energy. Concentration and productivity can suffer, leading to the inability to focus on tasks at hand. People may also suffer from blurred vision, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome.

It is essential to recognize the signs of SMD and take the proper measures to prevent or mitigate its effects. First of all, one should remember the phrase ‘too much of a good thing’. Don’t be afraid to limit the time spent on social media, as this can have a positive effect on the quality of life and drastically reduce the symptoms of social disorder.

It is also important to recognize when something is off and seek help from a mental health professional. The doctor may provide counseling, psychotherapy or medication. In addition, the doctor may be able to refer you to group therapy or support groups, where you can connect with others suffering from SMD and learn to manage the disorder in a safe and healthy manner.

Finally, it is important to unplug from the world of technology and spend time outside or in nature, engaging in activities without the use of technology. Activities like walking, biking, playing music or sports can be of great help in discovering equilibrium between digital and physical life.

Social media disorder is on the rise among the younger population, but it is treatable. Awareness and recognition of the symptoms are the first step in managing this type of addiction. Getting help from a mental health professional or a support group is the best way to restore balance in the relationship with digital sources and the real people.

How Social Media Can Hurt Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with many people turning to it to find connection and validation. However, it’s important to note that while social media can provide a sense of community, it can also be detrimental to our mental health.

In recent years, numerous reports of mental health problems associated with excessive social media use have emerged. Increasingly sedentary lifestyles, need for validation, comparison to others, and cyberbullying have been linked to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

As social media use has become more widespread, studies have found that people spend more time on it than ever before. The average person spends over two hours a day on social media all over the world, with people in some countries spending even more time online. When people spend a considerable amount of time browsing, it can play a factor in developing psychological problems.

For example, users may experience FOMO (fear of missing out). This can lead to feelings of envy and inadequacy, as social media users often compare themselves to their peers and friends, resulting in feelings of negativity and doubt. Additionally, people may participate in excessive self-promoting, promoting their accomplishments and material possessions, in order to receive likes and comments.

Not only can excessive use of social media lead to feelings of insecurity, it can also cause a lack of privacy, as well as cyberbullying. The possibility of being exposed to hateful comments and trolling on social media platforms can be damaging to someone’s mental health, as these experiences can lead to panic, fear and even depression.

It’s important to note that social media can offer users a platform to express their thoughts and feelings, allowing them to find like-minded people who are in similar situations. This can be helpful in the sense that it can reduce feelings of isolation and in some cases even inspire positive change.

That being said, it’s important to be mindful of how much time you spend on social media, and to find ways to unplug and reconnect with yourself. Make sure to remain aware of the impact social media can have on your mental health and to use it in moderation. Take regular breaks, keep conversations positive and meaningful, and don’t feel pressured to keep up with everyone else’s lives.

It can be difficult to step back from social media and take a break, but it is essential to take care of your mental health. Remember, social media won’t last forever, but your mental health will. Be mindful of how you are using social media and take note of how it is affecting and impacting your mental health.

Signs of social media addiction

Social media is one of the most fun places to spend your spare time. There are unlimited videos, pictures and other content to keep you engaged if you are feeling bored.

However, the danger here is, some people get addicted to social media without being aware, and it begins to affect different aspects of their lives.

With these signs below, you will be able to check yourself if you are struggling with social addiction.

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  • You check social media first thing in the morning

One of the ways to know if you are addicted to social media is when you check any of the platforms when you wake up in the morning before doing other things.

It suggests that your mind is fixated on some of the activities you must have missed at night, and checking social media when you wake up could help you catch up.

  • You are anxious when you don’t access social media

Another sign of social media addiction is when you cannot access it. You might feel desperate to always check your social media platforms to know what is going on there. If you’re away from social media and you’re anxious, you might be dealing with a social media addiction.

  • You get sad or overthink when your posts don’t go viral

Social media addiction can be detected when you keep overthinking because your posts don’t get the engagement you were expecting. If you experience this regularly, you may need to figure out a way to reduce your expectations from social media because you might end up being disappointed.

  • You compare your progress to other people on social media

Many people often think that the happy pictures and videos on social media translates to having a wonderful life.

This is why they may keep tabs on people they are looking up to, without realizing that those individuals also have their challenges. If you keep comparing yourself to other people, you might be addicted to social media.

Ways to control social media addiction

Social media addiction refers to the excessive use of social media platforms to the point where the individual gets negatively affected. They might begin to experience a decline in their quality of life when it comes to work, career, family, etc.  

Here are some scientifically-proven ways to handle social media addiction:

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Create time limits

If you want to put social media addiction at bay, one of the best ways is to set time limits. You can begin by allotting a specific amount of time to social media use.

When you exceed your time limit for the day, you can quit social media and resume the next day. Doing this will allow you to spend more time doing productive work.

Spot your triggers

It is important to mention that there are some things that can trigger your social media addiction. For instance, it could be procrastination, boredom, etc. When you identify your triggers, it may become easier to prepare your mind ahead when they show up.

Hence, if you are about to procrastinate an activity, you can consider handling the task immediately so that you can avoid social media use.

Avoid comparison

You can also control or manage social media addiction if you stop comparing yourself with other people online.

Many people tend to think that the good-looking videos and photos translate to having a good life. This is why some of them sink into depression or anxiety because they keep tabs on other people online. If you ever get to compare, it should only be with the past version of yourself.

Take breaks from social media

If social media addiction is beginning to take its toll on you, consider taking a break from it. When you go on a social media break, you can leverage the opportunity to rebuild relationships, focus more on your career, etc.

Be accountable to someone

You can consider talking to someone about social media addiction and tell them about your struggles so that they can keep tabs on you. This can be a good opportunity to leverage on to get other aspects of your life in order.

Treating Social Media Addiction

The impact of social media on the world cannot be undermined across countries and cultures of the world. All individuals, corporations, and nations of the world are painstakingly inventing different ways by which the power of social media can be harnessed to its full capacity.

As we tend towards maximizing the potentials of the advent, a lot of people get caught up in the oblivion of its activities and entertainment.

Social media addiction only comes into play when a person becomes overly attached to the use of a social media app or network. An addiction to social media carries all the possible effects of all other behavioral addictions like gambling, sex, eating, shopping, etc.

Effects of social media addiction 

Like every other random activity will have upsides and downsides, the obsessive use of social media has its pros and cons. However, through research, public opinion, and general observations can ascertain that its disadvantages are not to be tossed into the trash. They exist and affect the lives of people in unbelievable ways.

Social media addiction could lead to:

  • Mood modification
  • Loneliness and lack of self-awareness
  • Distorted thinking patterns and general perception
  • Unpleasant physical and emotional condition
  • Anxiety and depression

How to know you have social media addiction

  • Anger, boredom, and loneliness when social media activity is reduced
  • Persistent engagement with social media as a means of coping with problems
  • The constant thought of what you might miss while not using it.

Treatment for social media addiction 

Like other behavior addictions or even substance addiction, there are ways to overcome them. The following are easy tips to overcome social media addiction:

  • Ensure your notification is not always turned on.
  • Do not have your phone close by while you sleep and ensure you do not pick it up first thing in the morning.
  • Exercise less priority on personal social media appearance.
  • Intentionally seek face-to-face closure with friends and family other than using social media as leverage at all times.
  • Discover new hobbies and activities that will keep you busy from your phone or other screen-based devices you use.
  • Take medical and physiological tips from professionals.

4 disadvantages of social media addiction

The advent of social media was basically to strengthen online rapid relationships and interactions between family and friends. However, in recent times, this purpose has taken a new course with the inclusion of entertainment, career, and advertisement.

Over the last decade, in the bid to search for updates and find closure on social media, many seem to get some things wrongly.

Although some people make use of social media for all the right reasons, some people are in the problem of social media addiction. It is the act of being overwhelmed by the desire to log on to social media and staying connected.

What is social media addiction

Social media addiction is one of the numerous behavioral addictions that there are. It is the compulsive urge that people have towards social media by devoting so much time and energy to it, till it becomes disadvantageous to other aspects of their lives.

Similar to other behavioral addictions, an obsession with social media is a physiological disorder that is capable of affecting the brain in several harmful ways.

There is no standard diagnosis for identifying social media addiction. Regardless, we can not dispute the fact that there are downsides to the overuse of social media.

Disadvantages of social media addiction

Connecting to social media for work or random social interaction might not pose so much threat to one’s mental existence. However, as resourceful and advantageous social media is, an addiction to it can be overly significant to our mental and physical health. Some probable drawbacks may include:

  1. Poor grades for students and poor performance at work for those who work.
  2. Increased anxiety, loneliness, depression, and environmental isolation
  3. Reduced physical activity and inappropriate sleeping patterns due to the outrageous time spent on social media.
  4. Low self-esteem, which is possibly due to the wrong feeling that the lives of others are way better compared with yours.

How The Brain Adapts To Addiction

Oftentimes, addiction is something than some may see at face value. But in doing so, they fail to recognize what lies underneath the appearance of one’s physical health. However, through an extensive amount of research one can truly begin to see just how much substance abuse not only affects the body but the brain as well. In turn, as the mind adapts to the drug-and/or alcohol-that it is given, it grows accustomed to such, making it harder for the addict to give it up. Yet, even so, addiction is a whole lot easier to understand when one has a prior knowledge of the mind (so that he/she has a better idea of how it processes the addict’s consumption-and/or the amount consumed). 

The first way that the brain adapts is through an increase in dopamine levels. Dopamine can be defined as “the chemical that mediates pleasure in the brain. It is released during pleasurable situations and stimulates one to seek out the pleasurable activity or occupation.” As a result, this chemical can pose as dangerous when addiction is involved because the person can find himself/herself consuming more and more of the substance. In doing so, the release of dopamine rewards him/her, causing him/her to feel as though he/she is in a state of euphoria. Consequently, this oftentimes results in him/her abusing the substance time and time again.

Another way in which the brain adapts comes in the form of tolerance, which is defined as “the capacity to endure continued subjection to something, especially a drug, transplant, antigen, or environmental conditions, without adverse reaction.” As the individual begins to consume the substance on a regular basis, his/her tolerance begins to build up, resulting in him/her needing more of it in order to feel euphoric or high. This can result in a plethora of health problems, and even death if one is not careful.

In conclusion, it is better that the addict receives help sooner rather than later to get the best possible care. For in a brief period of time, his/her tolerance may heighten, and then he/she may find himself/herself deep within the pitfall of addiction. That’s why it is important for those to understand just how serious the substance can be on the body, as well as the brain. Then, they can begin to seek treatment rather than face the consequences that come with adapting to the drug(s)-and/or alcohol-that is at use. 


Some decades ago, the social media was non-existent. These days, we are grateful we have the social media because of the advantages it comes with. The social media has helped us in lots of ways, and the merits are still unfolding.

Below are the benefits of the social media:

  • Connectivity: The fundamental benefit of the social media is connectivity. This implies that, irrespective of your location, you can connect with anyone; keep in touch, and still maintain your friendship or relationship.

Location is not a barrier when it comes to the social media, as you can share your thoughts and feelings even though the person is far away, and you will receive prompt response.

  • Education: The social media has also benefited us in terms of education, as it has helped both teachers and students. On the social media, you can easily learn from people who are experts in various educational fields.

You can keep in touch with anyone, just for the purpose of learning from their wealth of knowledge. As earlier mentioned, location is not a barrier, and as far as you can keep in touch, learning could be a continuum for you.

  • Help: On the social media, you can help and receive help. You can share your problems with the particular social media community you find yourself, and be sure to receive help in terms of money, advice and the likes.
  • Information: In today’s world, being uninformed makes you ignorant. There are happenings on a frequent basis which you need to be in touch with. Without the social media, it is impossible to get updates on what is happening around you. These days, information on the social media spreads faster than words of mouth.
  • Promotion/Publicity: People who have businesses can use the social media to their advantage. You can promote your business and enable it to reach a wide audience. With the social media, you have access to the whole world, and you can sell your services to them. Hence, your business becomes more profitable and less expensive.

FOMO In Relation To Social Media

Social Media has a big amount of influence in that of our modern day world. Not only in one particular demographic, but in males, females, and young and old alike. In turn, it doesn’t matter as to where the person is located, race, language, age, gender, etc. the platforms that reside within the internet, allow many to connect with family and friends, and/or even make new friends across the world. As a result, it allows us to feel close with our loved ones, and even keep up to date with important news that is taking place locally, as well as nationally. But, even though there are multiple benefits that come with social media, there are also dangers that come with it, if one is not careful.

First and foremost, one of the biggest cons is the FOMO that many face. FOMO is defined by google as, “anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.” Therefore, individuals may find themselves surfing different media outlets such as; Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. looking at a trip that they weren’t invited to, and/or seeing the life of someone else, and experiencing emotions such as; envy/jealousy towards them, and even loneliness in that of their own being. For, they want to experience the same thing as that particular user, but instead find themselves stuck behind a screen—only able to watch, (and “like”) from a distance.

Second, is the addiction that can come through FOMO if one is not cautious. For, the anxiety and excitement that an individual feels when seeing that event happen elsewhere can turn into a full fledged “need” to see more. That’s why we oftentimes see that in today’s society millions of people will live stream the Facebook live of their favorite celebrity, and/or someone they look up to/admire. Yet, even though it’s good to have people to look up to, they might find themselves envying their lives to such a degree that it stems into obsession.

In conclusion, this is why our modern day society must be careful when it comes to social media, because if one isn’t mentally strong, and/or capable of understanding and analyzing his/her emotions in a healthy way, then the platforms that he/she subjects himself/herself too can be especially dangerous. But, if one makes sure to balance their social media usage with that of face-to-face interaction—and/or physical engagement with his/her surroundings—then it can be a blessing, rather than a curse, to those who use it wisely.

Thinking in Status Updates

status updatesWho has not had a personal revelation and realized that it would make for a great Facebook status update or tweet? Or perhaps something hilarious happened in front of you and your first thought was that you had to share it with your social media community. More and more, our online personas are getting crossed up with our actual personas, causing us to think and create in terms of what will win us attention and praise in our social media circles. This is unhealthy for a number of reasons.

The level at which social media has infiltrated our brains is disturbing. We are not thinking in a natural way or truly living in the moment when we project our thoughts and ideas to a future social media post. It used to be that our private thoughts were private, but presently we carry our social media audience with us wherever we go. We try to think thoughts that would make them laugh, move them and make them think. This inhibits the free flow of ideas that used to come to us effortlessly.

Our focus on being a memorable social media presence is off putting. We have too much of our identities wrapped up in social media. When we have reached the point that our thoughts are only worth having if they would appeal to a social media audience, we have problems. We should be establishing thought and behavior patterns that reflect who we are as individuals and what our personal value systems are. Social media is qualified as a legitimate addiction because of how alluring and accessible it is. We need to be keenly aware of behaviors within ourselves that could reflect an addiction to social media. We need to identify these behaviors and eradicate them in order to be a productive society.

If you catch yourself thinking, “I’ve got to post that later” or “I can’t wait to tweet about this,” a little too frequently, stop to think about whether or not your mental health is in jeopardy.